Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Father’s Day 2013

On Father’s Day, Brennan woke me up early so that we could go on our mission.  I came up with the idea to get Apple Fritters (Sean’s favorite) from all 3 donut houses in Issaquah and have the “Great Father’s Day Apple Fritter Challenge” – testing Sean’s knowledge of where his favorite apple fritter might come from.  Unfortunately, one of the places didn’t open until 8am and we didn’t want to wait that long.  So, we had two contenders, and Sean knew right away which one was from Krispy Kreme (his favorite). 


After our feast we headed to Gene Coulon Beach Park to watch the kids play.  It was a beautiful day and despite the cold water temperatures and kids loved swimming around and playing in the sand. 





They were of course quite cold when they decided to get out of the water.



Caelan basically commandeered this hole that the boys had dug for her own personal hot tub.  She was quite happy sitting and playing there for quite some time. 



But was quite ready for a snuggle before it was time to get in the car to head for home. 


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