Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Brennan's Jedi Birthday - Part 3

There are a lot of great pictures, and therefore a lot of 'parts' to share for Brennan's birthday, on to Part 3..... 

I didn't mention before that our good friend Jenny offered to come and help with Brennan's party - and she took it seriously.  I've known Jenny since I was about 2yrs old, and growing up she was a total tomboy and had all the Star Wars stuff you can imagine.  So, she was very excited to play Qui-Gon Jen (Qui-Gon Jin in the movie), Jedi - and brought a whole costume to wear. 

 I love how Caelan looks like she 'owns this place' in the picture below. 

I love the intensity in Sean's face as he explains the next Jedi Trial.  Sean blew everyone away with all of the stuff he came up with for the Jedi Trials.  The next section is light saber skills training....

 Up High.....
 to the side.....

out front.....

 to the side again.....

 Caelan and Qui-Gon Jen....getting ready for the duel practice....

I laughed hysterically when I saw these next pictures......Grandpa Jack was taking his duel with Caelan and Qui Gon Jen very seriously....

The final trail was popping bubbles with their light sabers......

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