Thursday, April 26, 2012

Easter 2012 Part 2 - The Bunny Finally Got Here....

Luckily the Easter Bunny finally showed up at the Wards (conveniently while Brennan and I went to the grocery store). 

Crazy how Caelan knew just what to do - even though this was her first hunt....

 Love that whimsy hair - no hair on the top and long whispy hair in the back. 
 Checking out the loot.....

 Jenny Pastore joined us for Easter Dinner of Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, was a lovely evening and delicious meal. 

 Jenny brought with her this crazy Greek dye - it made the eggs so brightly colored. 
 My boy is absolutely crazy for Legos - here are a few of his Star Wars inspired creations. 

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