Thursday, April 26, 2012

Easter 2012 Part 1

So, the day after Papa's birthday was Easter.  The "big" presents from the Easter Bunny were a stroller for Caelan and Lego Star Wars DVD and Jammies for Brennan.  Because we have church in Renton at 9:30am, and a 25min drive to get there, and a HUGE day the day before, there was no way we could fit in an egg hunt before church.  So, the Easter Bunny wrote them a note saying that "he was running ever so behind, and that he would be back later to hide some eggs." 

 After church, there was a local Easter Celebration at the school - complete with some "carnival rides."  Brennan thought this swing thing looked like a lot of fun.....but it went downhill for him - FAST. 

 You can see below - he is not having fun was too fast and too high and way too scary. 
 Can't believe I didn't actually get a picture of the bunny she was so excited to be dancing with here.  I thought that would bode well for getting a picture of Brennan and her with the Easter Bunny - but no go......she liked him at a distance. 
 We actually left before the actual easter egg hunt - which was fine with Sean and I. 
 Caelan is completely 'toasted' here - but still so happy about her new stroller. 

 Thought I might actually get a cute picture of the two of them together in their Easter clothes - at least I got a semi-smile out of Brennan.  He is clearly engrossed in his new Star Wars Lego DVD. 
 Ready for a snooze to rest up for Part 2 of Easter 2012.....

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