Monday, December 30, 2013

Let It Snow

Caelan got to do a routine in her gymnastics class to the song Let It Snow.  It was so cute.  First, she got completely distracted by the fact that our good friend Jenny Pastore had just arrived and was standing at the entrance behind her, and Second, the teacher was kneeling to the side and didn’t do that during practice.  So, Caelan thought that she needed to kneel too.!8847&authkey=!ALVZzJkV9OLmk20&ithint=video%2c.MOV
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The Saturday before Christmas we hosted a get together with Sean’s cousin Garret and family as well as Garret’s brother Travis who was in town for a volleyball tournament with his fiancé Molly and their baby Elias. 
Below is Caelan and Madison….they were as happy as could be to be together all day long. 
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Brennan was so good at holding Elias ……for a few minutes…..
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And…..then the girls got into Brennan’s closet, and became Jedi’s…..
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We ended the night by taking Garret & family to Snowflake Lane in Bellevue.  What a fun day with Sean’s family. 

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