Monday, December 30, 2013

Holiday Season 2013 cont….

It is becoming harder and harder to get a decent picture of these two goofballs…..this was the morning of the Microsoft Family Christmas party and they were both looking so festive, but alas….this is the best I could get….

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Click on the link below to see a video of Brennan riding the mechanical bull at the party… was hysterical.  The line was long, and I saw many kids much bigger than Brennan fail at even getting on the bull, but he had no problem at all.  This video is from his second attempt….!8790&authkey=!AAL7LGPJpncCwmU&ithint=video%2c.mp4

You can see from this video that baby sister was not going to be outshined…..she cut up the dance floor for at least 45min….!8791&authkey=!AKIZGpjTZSMZY-Q&ithint=video%2c.mp4

And, our BIG news of December is that Caelan is officially POTTY TRAINED!  Sean is some kind of ‘potty whisperer’…..with Brennan I was SO STRESSED OUT!  Sean and Caelan just figured it out over several days, very low key or pressure, and with just a few accidents she got it…..She made it through 40 successful trips to the potty is just 4 1/2 days.  She cashed in her chart for a Barbie….yes, we now have a Barbie in the house!

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We had our ONE and ONLY snow day the last Friday before winter break.  I was up early watching the news and checking for school closures, and thought that Brennan would be SO DISAPPOINTED that school was going to be cancelled that day.  He had ‘Crazy Hair Day’, ‘Wear Your PJ’s to school Day”"’, AND his class was going to read Polar Express and have Hot Chocolate.  It was going to be a big day. 

But, he taught me a very good lesson that morning…..when he looked outside he was beyond excited and then I said, “dude, I have some bad news, though….they’ve cancelled school….”  He looked at me and thought for a second and then said, “but, Mama, we can just do all those fun things here at home.  We can watch the Polar Express, and make hot chocolate….” and then he ran up and got his Christmas PJ’s on and got right outside to play in the snow….it was before 8am….

The whole block was outside all morning playing in the snow and sledding.  Then, the warm front moved in and it was melted by the time I came home from work.   

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