Thursday, March 14, 2013

Almost Done with Pictures from Mexico….almost


I am truly addicted to my camera….and pictures….so I’m sorry, but this blog is my ‘baby’ and a good way to keep track of some of my most favorite pictures…..I’m almost done with Mexico, promise.

Caelan got pretty tired of hearing Brennan getting praised for his swimming skills, so she decided to go ‘all out.”  It was crazy, she would jump in, with no concern about if you were watching or ready for her….and then just float, completely relaxed with her face in the water, waiting for someone to scoop her up.  


Here is Caelan hanging out at the other hot tub – she was so funny.  It was quite hot, but she really wasn’t fazed, especially if she had her floaty. 


Look at this pose….hysterical….she would grab each foot and float in the splits and just smile and flirt.   


Caelan LOVED the nightly entertainment during dinner and was usually cutting up the dance floor. 


Pretty sure this one is going to have to be on my wall…..


Caelan came up to me yammering and talking up a storm, and crossing her arms like this.  I don’t know what she was telling me, but she was serious….it was so cute!


Serious boy about filling up his bottle of sand.  We actually hauled it home and he shared it with his class when he was ‘Star of the Week.’


Oh, my sweet girl, I can’t get enough of her!


This guy was going up and down the beach…..kind of a cool contraption – not sure if he was selling rides or what.  His jets were being powered by a little motor that was riding along the surface of the water – its behind the guy in the green hat.


Some group shots….wish I had thought to have someone take a picture of all of us with that view in the background. 


More dancing…..


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