Thursday, March 27, 2014

San Diego


In February we all ventured to San Diego for a mini-Ward Family reunion.  Sean’s brother, Ken and his family were stationed in SD from Aug-Feb before getting transferred to Japan (he is in the Navy).  Sean’s parents, his sister Erin & her two boys, and his sister Molly and her husband also came.

Caelan hanging out with Grandpa Jack

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Sean’s step-grandma Roberta, who is 96yrs old, actually took the train up from LA to be with us for dinner one night too.  She then stayed with her daughter and went back the next day.  She is an amazing women! 

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The kids were just in ‘heaven’ to be with their cousins……they did actually play WITH each other and not just NEXT to each other as this picture would imply!

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Of course, the kids all stayed up WAY too late, and Caelan is our ‘snoozy’ girl anyway.  I just could not rouse her on our first morning there…..but I realized it was a great photo opportunity.  I don’t actually get to see her sleeping anymore since she no longer naps. 

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