Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

On Easter morning, Brennan was up early and tried to sneak downstairs to see what E.B. had left for him…..Sean caught him and was able to put him off playing Legos in his room until 8am when Caelan got up.  We hid some eggs inside, and Sean hid eggs outside too.  They had a blast.  It was a riot to watch Caelan run around, crazy hair flowing in the breeze, illuminated by the sunrise.  These jammies are hand-me-downs from Steve and Julie too – I remember Sam wearing them 11 years ago, I would guess….


Heart melting over this one, seriously! 


Their eggs were full of jelly beans and coins primarily.  Below they were shaking their eggs and laughing….yes, Brennan was told to put a shirt on, but he was way too excited, and it was actually very nice outside. 


After our egg hunt and breakfast, we had a bath to get ready for church. 


Love this one….LOVE this dress I found for Caelan. 


Eating their chocolate bunnies….


Jenny Pastore was our special guest for Easter dinner and she gifted us all with wonderful Easter baskets. 


And…..nothing says Easter like a Ligthsaber Battle in the backyard.  I love how Caelan is trying to get on the action here, but bracing herself for the worst. 


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