Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Party


Below are the pictures I tried to take of Caelan so that I could get a good picture to use for her birthday party invitations – the theme being “Monkeys in Pajamas".”  She was not super excited about me trying to take pictures….


Her mood changed completely when we traded the monkey in for her scooter. 


Fast Forward… Sunday, November 25th….the day of Caelan’s party.  Sunday evening was not my favorite time for her birthday party but we wanted to make sure that her two little friends could come and with the holiday weekend it is tricky to accommodate travel schedules. 

This picture was taken in the morning…..I just love her sweet smile.   Brennan was very disappointed when I told him that we were not going to go all out decorating for Christmas until after Caelan’s birthday.  So, instead, I had him help me with a craft project and that made him very happy.  He and I made this ‘Happy Birthday’ banner out of brown card stock that I have had for 8 YEARS….it was used for our wedding invitations.  I helped him write the letters – so that is his handwriting.  


All the kids at the party were instructed to wear their best jammies…..they all looked great. 


The big kids enjoying their dinner – which was chicken tacos, grapes, and banana pudding. 


The littles enjoying their dinner. 


My monkey cake.  I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Unfortunately, about an hour before the party I took it out of the fridge, and lifted up this oval glass dish I had covering it, and lost my grip…..the oval bowl hit the large rectangular platter I had the cake on and shattered it.  Luckily the ‘damage’ happened far away from the cake and I was able to salvage it and put it on another plate. 


After Brennan and I made the banner for the fireplace, I was left with all of these scrapes of brown paper, and decided to make birthday crowns out of them.  It worked great!  One of the activities for the kiddos was to decorate their crowns with stickers, etc…..



Of course, the birthday girl got a pink crown. 


Second craft was to make a monkey mask….


L to R:  Cassidy (6), Brennan (5), Nate (4), Caelan (2), Jude (2)…..good friends & neighbors the Hoffman’s & the Maybell’s


Caelan LOVED when we started singing to her – she just beamed and looked around at everyone looking at her. 




After cake, we cleared out the living room and started a DANCE PARTY.  It was so CUTE and fitting that Caelan danced with her favorite monkey. 




Her gift from Nana and Grandpa Jack was this little computer.  It was an instant hit. 


Below is Caelan and her best friend Ewan.  In the middle they are blowing each other kisses, and in the others they are hugging…..Caelan was persistent. 



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