Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Random September 2012

Would we have ever considered doing this ‘style’ of potty training when Brennan was this age - putting the potty IN THE KITCHEN & on top of our BAR STOOLS?  No way
…..BUT, she has successfully pooped in the potty 3 times using this method!  We stay very close by, and usually her seat is in the middle chair, so she wouldn't fall far. 

We’re not pushing it…..if she wakes up and she hasn’t pooped yet – we know its coming……so, if she wants to sit on the potty while she eats, we set her up. 
Brennan cracks me up in the picture below.  He is usually so resistant to getting his picture taken….but for this one he cocks his head, sticks it in my shot and smiles a ‘cool’ smile…..
On Saturday I looked in the living room and caught Caelan setting up her puppy and taking ‘pictures’ of it (with an old non-working radio).  Like mother like daughter….Awesome…..
On Sunday, we went to a birthday party for Austin, who is the son of an old co-worker of Sean’s.  Brennan LOVED the playset – perhaps inspired by the recent Olympics. 
This slide was very fast…….
and, the landing was a little ‘rough”……but she kept going back for more, each time landing hard and whimpering a little…..
I love my camera for being able to capture great shots like the ones below.  I took these while she was swinging….

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