Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa Young Visit–Summer 2012–Part 2


On Saturday morning, we hit the farmers market in Issaquah.   After the market, while Caelan napped, Mom and I took Brennan to Toys R Us to pick out a lego set (using a combo of money from Grandma and a giftcard he got from his dentist).   He was very decisive – I was shocked by how quickly we were able to get out of the store.  He knew which set he wanted – and it was in his price range and his age group – BONUS. 


Grandma even got a cute picture of him with it all put together.  It’s Star Wars, of course.   


Grandma Carol got some great snuggling time in with Caelan this trip.  She would look at Grandma and say “sit” and point to this chair, and bring her stool over and climb up with a book.    DSC_4135


Love this great action shot of Brennan throwing Grandpa a baseball!  DSC_4138

I also love these pictures of Caelan playing at her water table with Grandpa.  She thinks he’s pretty funny. 


On Sunday, we headed to church for the ‘Blessing of the Backpacks’.  We laughed at the fact that Brennan has a Darth Vader backpack and needed to bring it to church to turn it from the dark side. 


After church, we headed to Ikea for lunch and shopping – although none of us actually bought anything.  We had a good time wandering, and then having a vanilla frozen yogurt cone at the end. 


That night we had Jenny Pastore and Jen, Cassidy, & Ewan over for dinner. 

Here are Brennan and Cassidy practicing their dance moves.  Yes, these will be used for Bribery someday….

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Here is the kid table….


Love, love, love the picture below…..

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Caelan and Ewan playing in the water table.  Ewan got his hand a little too close to the veggie steamer I had sitting on the back porch, so he had burned his poor little hand a little bit.  He was pretty grumpy until we gave him the hose to play with….


He thought it was pretty darn funny to blast Caelan with the hose….fortunately, she thought it was funny too – after the initial shock, of course. 

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Ewan is always trying to give Caelan kisses……they are best buds, just like the older kids.  DSC_4237DSC_4247

Feeding Grandpa some chocolate. 



Jenny Pastore reading to the babies…..


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