Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cute stories from our trip to MT

A few stories I have to share and document - as I don't want to forget them. 

When are at the cabin in MT, Brennan always sleeps on the bed with the orange mattress in the picture above.  Sean usually sleeps in the bed with the blue blanket on it, and Caelan and I sleep over on the other side of the loft.  Every night, Brennan ends up falling out of his bed and Sean finds him asleep on the floor with little to no covers.  You will see in the picture above, I actually created "landing pads"for him on either side.  One night we asked him if he wanted to change beds, or move his bed against the wall so that he wouldn't fall out, and he was VERY opposed to that plan.  He then told us that "God and Jesus were pushing him out of bed."  We assured him that was not likely the case....but that night when I turned off the light and snuggled him in he started praying (totally not provoked) "God, please stop pushing me out of my bed at night.....I'm a good guy not a bad guy.  Amen."  I could hardly keep from busting out laughing.  And, of course, that night he fell out of bed again.....and he said "mama, God didn't listen to me and pushed me out of bed again." 

The other funny story was at church on Sunday morning.  Brennan went up for the Childrens Sermon, and although we could not see him, we knew the voice was his saying "Excuse me, who's that up there?" pointing to the crucifix above the alter.  The Priest replied, "Jesus" and continued with his sermon until Brennan interrupted again....."Excuse me, what's he doing up there?"  The Priest replied "It's a LONG story, but it does end well."  I, of course, had to assure the Priest after the service that Brennan DOES know who Jesus is, as we DO read him the bible.....but our church just has a cross on the alter, and his kid's bible doesn't show Jesus hanging on the cross in such a graphic way.  I guess he has become famous at Our Lady of the Valley, though.  Maggie Brennan was not in mass on that Sunday, but was having tea with another lady the following week and the lady started recounting the cute story of the little boy in mass.  Maggie pointed to a picture of Brennan she has and asked "was it that little boy?" - and sure enough it was.  Grandpa was also talking with someone else from Anaconda who happened to hear the story.......so, our little guy has made quite a name for himself.  I'm pretty sure the story will pop up again during the Priest's Easter sermon.....     

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