Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge - October 2010

Sean was watching a show called "Undercover Boss" the other day when Brennan came down from him nap. The show was about the CEO of Great Wolf Resorts. Brennan caught a glimpse of "the big dumper" and became completely and utterly obsessed.

We tried to explain that it cost a lot of money to go there, and so he wanted us to get out his spiderman wallet (spiderman easter egg he has filled with quarters) - he was sure he had enough to go. Of course he only had $3. Sean tried to explain to him that he needed $300 dollars to go - and tried using the chalkboard to illustrate how much money that was. He drew 300 little lines, and circled 3 to represent B's $3. He circled another 10 for us.....and said, "See, you still have a lot more little lines to circle before we can afford to go." So, Brennan grabbed the chalk and said "OK" and started circling little lines. We both broke down laughing.

He had tantrums, he asked if he could go every 5minutes, he asked people at the gym kids club if they would give him money. One time during naptime he started crying and told Sean he was worried "he was going to take the Midnight Train to the Great Wolf Lodge when he was sleeping." (Yes, we listen to a lot of the Glee season finale CD of Journey songs).

Luckily, we did discover a great Microsoft deal going on for $120 a night - which is a steal. So, we went.....and had a great little break. Of course, he's still asking to go......but its not quite so constant

Below is a video of our time at the Great Wolf Lodge.....

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