Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

We met Brooke & Stephen and kids at Great Wolf Lodge this last weekend. Its a big indoor water park combined with a hotel. We had a great time - and played hard for the 26 hour time span we were there. I was too busy playing to take a whole lot of pictures, but here are just a few. Brennan was a little skeptical when we first got there, but very quickly he got into it, and we was bouncing between water slides, and the "kid carwash" for hours on end. He had a blast, and is asking to go back CONSTANTLY!

He went down this slide probably 30 times....he'd come down and say "THAT WAS FUN, I WANT TO DO IT AGAIN." He doesn't really understand standing in line and waiting your turn, so he generally would just steamroll through whatever line was there, unless there was a bigger kid there to push him back.

Kid Carwash.....

Swimming by himself....he did the doggy paddle thing for a long long time, and did such a great job. He's fearless....

These pictures were taken last night.....B was very tired from the weekend (no real nap for two days will do that) - and of course, boxes are always more fun than the "real" toys. He made a "house" from two boxes, and Sean put a pillow down and made him a very nice "nest" to watch a movie.

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