Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brennan Meets the Dentist

Sean took Brennan to the dentist today and he was a real CHAMP. He did want to sit on Sean's lap, but he opened wide and let the dentist look and count all of his teeth. He gave "Mr Slurpy" a kiss (the little vacuum thing they put in your mouth) and he even let the hygenist clean his teeth! I am just bursting with pride! They were all very impressed with his cooperation. He got a Certificate and notice of his official membership in the No Cavities club for Dr Santiago. He also got lots of trinkets from their toy chest and a coupon for Red Robin. When he left he told Sean..."Going to the dentist was FUN!" Hooray!

One funny story to tell....we were talking with Brennan tonight about an upcoming birthday party he gets to go to in 3 weeks for Baby Rowan. I explained to him that Rowan is turning 1, but that he is almost 3. He looked at me and said "No, mama, I'm 2.9....I'm 2.9" Sean and I both burst out laughing.....we have no idea where that came from.

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