Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Birthday, Nana!

In April, we ventured to Helena to be there for Nana’s surprise 70th Birthday Party.  It was a great celebration!
Here is Nana with Fr. Shea
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And here is Nana with Maggie Brennan….
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Below is Molly reading well wishes for Nana from Facebook
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Below Nana is getting the picture we put together for her…..
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Very serious conversation between Gabe Brennan & Caelan…
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Nana and Gabe Brennan
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Squeezes for the “Brennans”…..
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Here is the ‘selfie’ that we used for Nana’s birthday present. 
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After the party on Sunday night, I had to fly home to go to work and left Sean and the kids to ‘play’ in MT.  I don’t have a copy of the picture/video of BOTH kids driving the big blue truck, but I do have these of the fun they had…..
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