Thursday, September 5, 2013

Caelan Modeling Her Big Girl Pants


We’ve had just a few successful potty trips.  We’re pretty low stress about the whole potty training thing, but when I went to Target I noticed that they had Bubble Guppy panties (one of Caelan’s favorite shows) in 2T/3T – had to get them and see if they would inspire her to try more often.  She instantly wanted to put them on and model them.  I promise you, these ‘moves’ were all her – she knows how to ‘work it’ already!

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So, while I was making dinner I took Caelan and her little potty and her new panties outside while I grilled dinner.  Unfortunately, just as I was going out into the alley to call Brennan home from playing – she announced that she had to use the potty and was so worried that I was leaving her that she peed her pants.  Shoot!

Anyway, it was a lovely evening so she played outside a bit and did some more posing for mama.  Love that girl!

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