Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Eve 2012


I was pretty bummed about being ‘alone’ this Christmas… it was so nice when my good friend Brooke, and her family invited us over for Christmas Eve dinner and church.  Brooke and Stephen are Godparents to both kids, so they are like family. 

But first, my funny story.  I was assigned dessert for Christmas eve, so I decided to make Grandma Rozella’s Sugar Cookies.  After we baked them I noticed that they were incredibly crumbly, almost falling apart.   After taste testing them, Sean asked if I was sure that I added all of the ingredients, because they just didn’t taste right?  Boy, was I mad at him for that…..later, however, I checked the recipe to find that I had, in fact, left out a pretty key ingredient…..WHITE SUGAR!  Yes, I made sugar cookies but forgot the sugar (they did have powdered sugar in them, though). 

In my defense, I mixed them up with ‘help’ from Caelan – which means I was always in defense mode to avoid too big of a mess and to avoid fingers, arms, and spatulas in the mixer.  I apologized to Sean later for being so mad at him and we had a good laugh. 


Brooke’s sister Megan and her husband Mike also live in Seattle. 


The kids table was in the living room next to the roaring fireplace….pretty nice, I’d say. 


Brooke, Megan and Brooke’s husband Stephen. 


Our after-dinner serenade…..this is Caelan and Cael… we really didn’t name Caelan after Cael……it just turned out that way.  Cael had the name first – I think he is about 5mo. older than Caelan. 




We went to church with everybody at their church in downtown Seattle at 7pm, came back to house for dessert, and then came home about 10pm.  And, we weren’t ready for Santa at all……so Brennan got right to work.   This message was all his idea. 


Yes, we did pawn off the sugarless sugar cookies on Santa.  He did also have a green holly wreath marshmallow treat, but the photographer ate that before this shot was taken.  <smile>




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