Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Misc August Fun

Sean's sister Erin and her two boys had a long layover in Seattle on the way flying to MT, so we met them in downtown Seattle for dinner and a quick tour of Pike Place Market. The cousin's started out with a lot of love....
Kade holding his fish at the market....

Sean Patrick with his fish.....

We couldn't have had a more gorgeous day in Seattle for their visit....if you look closely you can see Mt Rainier in the background.
Walking to the place we had dinner along the waterfront.

The weekend before we headed to MT for Molly's wedding we loaded up the bikes for a family bike ride to the park WAY down the hill in Issaquah. It was super fun going down but it was a LONG LONG LONG way up the hill home....but we all made it. Cute one of CR in the park.
Sean likely hauls >100lbs in kids/bikes with the two kiddos.....a real workout!

smiles from the rider up front.....
The rider in back is sure looking cool, huh?
Hopscotch in our park. No, it wasn't winter - it was like 75 degrees....B just wanted to wear his Seahawks hat.
Cool action shot, huh? if there is such a thing as a cool hopscotch action photo, I guess.....

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