Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ocean Shores, Wa - July 2009

We ventured to Ocean Shores, Wa this last weekend. When we left Seattle on Saturday morning it was heading towards a 80 degrees day. When we got to Ocean Shores is was overcast and not much above 60 degrees - a real bummer. We thought it was going to be nice weather. Oh well....its one of our favorite places to go to - as some might remember this is where we got engaged.

Anyway, we got there about 2pm and went to a bunch of hotels and got the best rate at the Quality Inn. This turned out to be great because they had an indoor pool and we had an ocean view room. We enjoyed some time on the beach before heading back to our room to clean up and then we went to dinner at our old "stand by" Alec's By the Sea for dinner. Brennan did not have a nap, so he was a bit of a handfull at dinner, but he really enjoyed swimming after dinner. He would grab our two thumbs and then just jump in the water. He would also sit on the side of the pool and slip in to grab Sean's outstretched arm. Very brave little man....I love that he is not afraid of the water.

Here are some pictures....

Digging in the sand....having fun....

Not having fun anymore....

Happier now that we're farther away from the actual ocean....

Burying papa's legs in the sand....

Now its my turn...

B let go of the kite string....Sean was on the run to retrieve it....

Mid-Air....one of the favorite pictures I've ever taken....

Walking the beach....

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