Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunny Happy September in Seattle

On Friday we went to the University of Washington so Brennan could participate in a study on Childhood Development. First we had to fill out a survey of all the words that Brennan understands, and then a book on all the words he says and understands.
Then during the study, they had me hold him on my lap while he watched a short little movie. Then, they had me turn him around and there were two toys on the counter. They wanted to see which one he would choose - there was a lego & a little people, and he chose the little people first, and then went for the lego. Then a student sat in front of him and asked if she could have one. He wasn't willing to give up either toy. The study was for 15 month olds, and to see what their understanding was of give & take, and fairness. He was very attentive, and smiley, but he is clearly not ready to share. It was interesting anyway, and maybe we'll get called again for future studies.

The pictures I have to post are kind of random. Sean has been in full football watching mode, and was so pleased when Brennan wanted to sit on his lap, eat chips, and watch football....even if it was for only a couple of seconds. He also learned to put his arms straight up over his head when Sean says "touchdown" I also got some cute ones while he ate his lunch yesterday. Oh, and his little friend Cassidy got back from vacation on Friday, and he was very excited to see her this afternoon.

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